Photograph of Merle Foster
Christmas, 2009

Toronto’s Lady Santa Claus

Merle Foster’s studio wasn’t a toy shop, but it was still magical to the children of the Ward.
Photograph by Thomas Blanchard
Halloween, 2008

Sleight of Mind

A Ph.D. in E.S.P. has treated the local illusionist Mysterion better than an M.B.A.
Photograph by Mark Lyall
Christmas, 2007

Everywhere and Nowhere

Hal Niedzviecki—Canada’s self-defined indie guru—faces adulthood, fatherhood, and a growing generation gap.
Photograph by
Summer, 2007

Surviving Suburbia

Elyse Friedman followed her lucky star to a successful career as an author, poet, screenwriter, and, maybe someday, artist.
Photograph by Mark Lyall
Summer, 2006

Form and Content

Collaboration is the medium of Darren Wershler-Henry’s message.
Art by Mark Lyall
Christmas, 2005

That Biz Called Show(biz)

An arts writer, a keyboardist, and a filmmaker walk into a book deal. The result is Jason Anderson’s comedic debut novel.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Summer, 2005

The Inside-Out Poet

With Drift, his third collection, Kevin Connolly continues to hone his complex intellect, biting wit, and sense of the absurd.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Christmas, 2004

Pillar of Community

Jane Jacobs persuaded us to rethink cities. Her new book warns us to rethink societies, or else.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Summer, 2004

Critical Cheerleader

Author Emily-Pohl Weary discusses demystifying the magazine-making process, her family’s sci-fi past, and why mainstream culture isn’t always a bad thing.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Summer, 2003

A Break with Conventions

With a new book of short stories, a successful series of chapbooks, and the editor’s chair of Broken Pencil, Emily Schultz scores a D.I.Y. hat trick.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Summer, 2002

Not Just Mouthing the Words

Camilla Gibb transforms from first-time novelist to writer with The Petty Details of So-and-so’s Life.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Summer, 2002

Nobody Loves a Fat Kid

In his new collection, poet Paul Vermeersch stands up for the beaten, the bullied, the misunderstood.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Christmas, 2001

The Moral Pornographer

Is Tamara Faith Berger’s work highbrow fiction or lowbrow smut? Does it matter?
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Summer, 2001

Poetry with a Twist

Stuart Ross explores his family history and his own emotions in his upcoming collection, Razovsky at Peace.
Photograph by Phillip Smith
Christmas, 2000

Steal This Logo

Jim Munroe challenges science fiction forms and political apathy in Angry Young Spaceman.