So Long, From Taddle Creek

The Ephemera
The Taddle Creek Book

The Features
Expo 67 artifacts are among the few reminders of crumbling dreams.

Cover Star: “Mountain Pals,” by Ethan Rilly (a.k.a. Hartley Lin)

Cover Star: “Paul Goes West,” by Michel Rabagliati

The Profiles
Back in the Saddle
Katherine Collins, creator of the comic Neil the Horse, saw her career end when she transitioned. She’d like it back.

The Ephemera
Take Advantage of Taddle Creek’s Generosity

The Profiles
Paul in Retirement
Michel Rabagliati puts Paul on the shelf—at least for now.

The Profiles
Fifteen mumbling minutes with Douglas Coupland
Further proof that X is a term that defines not a chronological age but a way of looking at the world.

The Ephemera
“I can’t believe I’ve actually met Cole!”
Cole Fleming's fame grows among T.T.C. staff.

The Profiles
Bill Nye is Undeniably Cool
One thing that hasn’t evolved is the scientist’s ability to stay on message.

The Features
My First Obsession
The encouragement of a CBC kids' show producer made my career a lot more fun.

Taddle Creek’s First Cover Star
A tribute to M. Fred Tobias (1914–1991), on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth.

The Comix
Black Bloc On Yonge
A tale from the G20 riots.

Mysteries of the Internal Combustion Engine

Take 1 Tablet(s) Daily

Johnny Cash II

The Fiction
No Man’s Land

This Once-Fabulous Place
How a landlord’s lack of vision led to the destruction of one of Toronto’s great architectural monuments.

The Features
Those Were the Days
Despite his passing, Uno Prii’s philosophy of city living lives on in the apartment houses he left behind.