The Fiction
Mysteries of the Internal Combustion Engine

The Gallery
Cover Star
From 1997 to 2007, Taddle Creek covers featured vintage photography, taken from a variety of sources. The magazine’s founder offers some background on several of these early cover subjects.

The Comix
Funnybabyland II

The Poems

The Poems
Johnny Cash II

The Poems
Invitation to Love

The Fiction
No Man’s Land

The Ephemera
The Taddle Creek Ashcan

The Ephemera
The Front Page

The Comix
A Place of Your Own

The Comix
Recurring Dream

The Comix
Day 65297

The Comix
The Phantom Skull

The Comix
Getting There

The Comix

The Comix
Bring Myself

The Comix
Dingus and Dum-Dum

The Comix
Dr. Zap

The Comix
Cash and Carrie
Originally syndicated February 16, 1927.

The Comix
Mary Ann Gay
Originally syndicated April 20, 1928.