Episode 2: “Dreams of the Donkeys,” by Katia Grubisic

Published September 11, 2015
The Taddle Creek Podcast
The Taddle Creek Podcast
Episode 2: “Dreams of the Donkeys,” by Katia Grubisic

Katia Grubisic reads her poem “Dreams of the Donkeys,” which originally appeared in Taddle Creek No. 25 (Christmas, 2010).

Katia Grubisic lives in Montreal. She is a writer, editor, and translator whose work has appeared in the Globe and Mail, Grain, and the Fiddlehead. Her poetry collection, What If Red Ran Out (Goose Lane, 2008), was a finalist for the A. M. Klein Prize for Poetry and won the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award. Last updated Christmas, 2010.