The Fiction
What Changed

The Fiction
Maeve’s Murder

The Profiles
Steal This Logo
Jim Munroe challenges science fiction forms and political apathy in Angry Young Spaceman.

The Fiction
Sunken Treasure

The Fiction

The Comix
My Name Is Eunice Jung

The Features
The Streamlined Man
Percy Faith smoothed out rock, jazzed the classics, and became one of the most important musicians Canada has produced.

The Fiction
Future You

The Fiction
The Code

The Gallery
Art Waiting to Happen
If a picture is worth a thousand words, Greg Holman’s are worth four thousand.

The Fiction
Still the Same Pig You’ve Always Been
An excerpt from the novel-in-progress.

The Poems
Sui Generis

The Poems

The Poems

The Poems
Shostakovich Blaring

The Poems
From the series “universal pictures.”

The Audio