Hi kids. Welcome to Taddle Creek. It’s a magazine you’ve probably never heard of before. That’s because Taddle Creek is usually a magazine for grown-ups. But why should grown-ups have all the fun? Just between us, sometimes it seems like grown-ups are trying to have more fun than kids these days, and that’s not right.
So Taddle Creek put together this special extra-fun issue just for you. It’s filled with lots of stories and comics and games and things to make and do. Everyone involved had a great time putting it together, and they hope you have just as much fun reading it. In fact, maybe you’ll like it so much that one day, when you’re older, you’ll send Taddle Creek eighteen dollars for a subscription of your own!
If you’d like to let Taddle Creek know what you thought of this issue, send a note to editor@taddlecreekmag.com. In the meantime—enjoy!